Structure of World Govt.
Three Major Parts of the World Government
1. World President
2. World Prime Minister
3. World Parliament

World President
The world president may work as the world Chairman. His selection may be made by members of the world parliament and the Presidents / National heads of all countries in the world parliament. If this person gets majority then he or she will be designated as the World President.
- Selection criteria of the World President
- The designated person should be from a country with minimum 10 crores population and must have served in the role of a national head (President or Prime Minister) for at least a period of five years.
- The world president should be in the age range of 45 to 70 years.
- The world president should not be suffering for any ailment which may prohibit him from completing his term.
- The Tenure of World President
The tenure may be fixed for 10 years so that the President can complete all policies, programmes etc. initiated during his tenure. This will reduce the hastle of frequent elections which could be quite cumbersome.
- The Rights of the World President
- The person will perform his duties with the consent of the Prime Minister of world parliament.
- The person’s office will be situated in a big country in a place which is easily accessible and with all modern facilities.
- The world president will be the highest ranked official of the world.
- The world president will be the chief of all armies of the world. This means that all the defense forces of each country will be under the control of World President.
- All the ordinance factories in the world will be under the control of World President.
- All inventories of atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, chemical weapons and biological weapons will be under the control of world president.
- All natural resources of the world including the seas, oceans, mountains etc. will be under the control of world president.
- To maintain peaceful atmosphere the world president will have powers to after national boundaries.
- All nationalities will be under the world president and they will be called World Citizens.
- The world president will have full power to secure all nationalities from terrorism, communalism and again establish a new civilization of trust, brotherhood and peace in the world.
- The Duties of the World President
- With the guidance of the world parliament the world president is expected to develop each and every nation of the world.
- Ensure proper distribution of food to the hungry nations. Food may by purchased from nations having surplus and distributed to the starving nations.
- Countries who specialize in the production of specific items must be encouraged to produce more so that all nations can benefit.
- Work for restoration of peace in the whole planet and promote brotherhood among all world citizens.
- Promote well being of humankind by removing all misconceptions using the scientific method.
- Enhance the means of travel and integrate then in them whole world.
- Collect rain water and supply them the water to rainfall deficit area.
- Work for rational utilization of environmental resource among all nations.
- Enhance of medical facilities all nations and also make it available to nations deprived of it.
- Promote basic and technical education.
The Prime Minister and his ministerial team of the world Government will cooperate to implement the rights and duties of the world president.
- The Removal of the World President
If the elected members of the world parliament feel that the world president is functioning in a autocratic manner then 1/3 parliament members can bring in a no confidences motion and if 2/3 members ratify the motion then the motion will be considered as passed. Also if majority of nation heads agree then the World President has to resign.
World Prime Minister
The party with maximum number of elected candidates should be invited to form the World Government. The leader of that party will be World Prime Minister. The Prime Minister and his ministerial team of the world Government will cooperate to implement the rights and duties of the world president. It is not recommended to form the Government with just 50% majority as such a situation leads to fench crossing and breeds corruption. The party with maximum number of candidates and the biggest party may be allowed to constitute the world Government. The tenure of the parliament may be fixed for 10 years.
- The Removal of the World Prime Minister
1/3 members of the ruling party will give a notice to the world president who will assess whether the Prime Minister enjoys the support of majority of the party parliamentarians. If the president is convinced that the PM has lost his / her following then PM will be asked to resign and election will be held to select a new PM.
World Parliament
Two houses of the World Parliament
- One house will represent parliamentarians elected by the people (Lower World House). The number would be approximately 3800.
- A Higher World House where each nations President will be member. The number would be approximately 193.
The party with maximum number of elected candidates should be invited to form the World Government. It is not recommended to form the Government with just 50% majority as such a situation leads to fench crossing and breeds corruption. The party with maximum number of candidates and the biggest party may be allowed to constitute the world Government.
The tenure of the parliament may be fixed for 10 years. There will be no provision of VETO POWER in the World Parliament.
World Parties
The representations of the world parliament will also take part in their Provincial and National elections.
All international organizations will be under the control of World President for example UNO, IMF, World Bank etc.